This self-portrait was, quite possibly, one of the hardest for me to create. Even now as I write about it, I feel so blocked. It’s hard to put into words how almost two decades of musical influence by one specific artist has helped to shape my life. I just picked up “BLUE: the Color of […]
As I discover myself more and more as an artist, I have been exploring the idea of how we impact our external world with what is going on with our internal world. What I have found throughout my years alive, is that our perspective is what impacts the outcome of our situation – we emanate […]
I found my greatest passion in one of the things I was most afraid of doing
I have always believed that our fears are our greatest compass. Yet, I have not always wanted to accept that little nugget of truth. I am not talking about that life or death fear. I am talking about the fear in our minds that wants to keep us safe in what we are comfortable with. […]
Gratitude – Promoting Passion Convention
As November comes to a close, it brings me nothing but the greatest joy to share this collaborative gratitude post. When I used to work for iHOMES COLORADO, I would give the opportunity to our agents to participate in a daily gratitude social media post throughout the month of November. I really enjoyed doing this […]
I woke up this morning with this overwhelming feeling to create. I wanted to create badly. As I looked in the mirror, disappointment. My hair didn’t look good, I would have to wash it and flatten it… That would take a couple of hours. “Maybe today is not the day. Tomorrow.” I shot myself down […]
Why Have a Life Purpose at All?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what your life purpose is? Why do you exist? Why do you create? These are some very DEEP questions but ones worth pondering and perhaps journaling over. I always knew that I was meant to help others. Working with people and assisting people has always brought me joy. […]